A modern, highly efficient, socially oriented enterprise with powerful intellectual assets and technological capabilities, striving to become a leader in the production of high-voltage equipment.
It has positive responses in the domestic and foreign markets. Deliveries are made to the Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other CIS and Baltic countries. Foreign partners are China, Egypt, India, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Poland, Iraq, Iran, Bangladesh, Cuba.
The main activity of the plant is the development and production of high-voltage equipment for power plants and substations with voltages from 10 to 1150 kV, rigid busbars 110-750 kV, block-modular compact structures for outdoor switchgear and indoor switchgear 35, 110 and 220 kV, arresters, surge arresters 0. 4-500 kV, polymer insulators 10-500 kV, SF6 live-tank circuit breakers VGT 110, 220 kV and dead-tank circuit-breakers VTB 110 kV and measuring current transformers 110-500 kV and voltage 110 and 220 kV. Products are developed with the application of the most advanced technologies, meeting requirements and expectations of power engineers.
Many design and technological solutions are patented and have no analogues in the world, and in some of their technical parameters the equipment surpasses foreign analogues.
Экологического менеджмента, безопасности труда и охраны здоровья организации сертифицирована в соответствии с международными стандартами ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, QHSAS 18001:2007.
Входит в число крупнейших испытательных центров России и представляет собой мощную испытательную базу, позволяющую проводить испытания высоковольтного оборудования не только собственного производства, но других предприятий России.
ООО «ЗЭТО – Газовые технологии»: предприятие на базе ЗАО «ЗЭТО»